Mongo Blog

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Last night Anna and I went on a drive with our friend Raya and her Mom who's in town after Raya's surgery. We talked briefly about how going to medical school is tough and really requires a staggering dedication to helping and healing others in order to succeed and endure the trials of school itself. Obviously the lesson is translatable for anyone who is seeking change in their life; and to quote another lived experience from this past week along the same thread: 'Your focus creates your reality' - Qui Gon.

Things have been pretty hectic the last couple weeks after getting this blog launched. Luckily, job interviews have continued to trickle in as the days go by and I have interviews to look forward to next week already as well. I've adjusted my daily routine to include HackerRank challenges to get my problem solving mind up to speed, and have taken the time to update myself on frontend fundamentals as well.

I've switched over from using React Native to creating a PWA with Preact for Anna's Tattoo Appt app. I could only really get React Native to work with Ignite, and I'm sure I can get the app up and running much faster with a pwa so there we go :) I got the scaffolding done yesterday, and we went over design layout as well and I created user flows in Figma as well. Looking forward to making more of that this week while I prep for next week's interviews!

Red Overtone Dragon

The Mongo Blog is Live!

Still a few things to sharpen up, but after 4 hours of troubleshooting how to connect Heroku to MongoDB Atlas it's finally online. The Frontend is hosted on Netlify, and now as long as Heroku keeps the app active enough it shouldn't be too slow. Ready to do a few cosmetic/ responsive fixes and then I'm going to jump into some React Native and build an appointment scheduling app for my beloved's Tattoo shop Greenhouse. Excited to dive in!

And a personal checkin, I had two interviews this week, one with, and another for a Session Lead/ Tutor for Udacity's Frontend Nanodegree program. Still waiting for the contact at Hawaiian Electric Company to get in touch with the recruiter at Altres Staffing too. I will say that it's been much more engaging this time around as it pertains to my job hunt. I think the years of experience has accumulated into a much more appealing looking resume and now that I have more and more projects I'm going to complete I'll only get more hand's on experience in different languages and stacks.

That's definitely one thing I've noticed about this industry is that as long as you have a computer and good internet you can really start doing the job before you actually get the title are compensated for it. It is a double edged sword of course, the level of skill doesn't mean that any job you apply for will be at your beg and call. But the opportunity to perpetually be expanding one's knowledge base is pretty astounding.

Basically everyday that goes by I don't have a job I have the opportunity to increase my viability as an engineer; and that is something I'm fully embracing.

Blue Self-Existing Hand

Things finally coming together - Update

Writing this first post in Insomnia, i'm still building up the app and it's pretty exciting to get the backend up first. I actually enjoy it, there's just so many little things when it comes to the package management that I don't really have the eye for. Either way, it's that start of something pretty inspiring to myself. Been wanting something like this to refer back to for a while and I think it's going to be very good for charting my progress for employers and to help me to keep-my-chin-up as it were. --Update: made it pretty far today, i think i'm going to call it after I get this video done so I can workout before going on a hike with Anna. I finishing the boilerplate, and updated the backend to use mongoose. I also complete a coding challenge for a remote angular position in Alaska, and I did horribly! but the JS test portion was fun: confirming a completed Sudoku puzzle. And with that I'm off!

Blue Solar Storm